How It All Began
The idea for the Greentech Fuel Saver was born one afternoon in 2004. The owner of Moletech Patent (molecule technology) was sitting in the car, waiting in traffic trying to get to work on time. Feeling bored he opened the window. He felt that the air in the City must be harmful and that it smelled like a “Fuel BBQ”. The truck in front of his car had black sooty exhaust smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe. He thought that with the ever increasing density of motor vehicles and engine driven machinery, air quality would continue to be an ever growing issue. At that moment, he had the idea that if every engine could reduce its own emissions, that collectively a great improvement to air quality could be made.
That afternoon, he went to the Taipei Medical University to meet with his colleague, Dr Jack Li to try and find the material that can have a direct effect on fuel molecules and reduce the exhaust emissions of a vehicle.
After the research was completed, 50 Toyota car owners were found to test the product. The outcome of the tests were astonishing. At engine idle, test vehicles reduced CO/HC emissions by 80%. Driving at highway speeds only 15 minutes after installing the Greentech Molecule Enhancer, emissions of CO/HC reduced by 20%.
In the weeks following the initial tests, the owners of the test vehicles reported improvements in horsepower, smoother running engines and improvements in fuel economy.
Moletech have continued a regime of continuous testing and research from that day to this.
Since then, Moletech have tested the Greentech Fuel Saver in over 5000 private vehicles. Samples of the Greentech Fuel Saver have also been provided to California CEE (USA EPA certified testing centre), TÃœV Rheinland Group (Worldwide independent technical service) and SGS (Worldwide Testing Company), all of whom have verified and supported the research and development data.